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We Want You (and Your Family) in Our World Down Syndrome Day Video! (And We’re Giving Away 2 Amazon

We believe that people with special needs are proving what the world thinks about them wrong every day! So we’re going to make a video about it! All you have to do to be in our video is:

  1. Buy one (or several) of our #PROVETHEMWRONG shirts! (when you check out, use promo code “‘FIRE” between now and next Sunday at 7 pm Central time and save 10% off and be entered to win one of the two Amazon Fire Tablets in the picture above.) Click here to view all of the shirts. (We have adults, youth toddler and onesie’s!)

  2. Send me a picture of your child / your family / your friends wearing the shirts (the more people you can get in the picture – the better!) to by March 1.


We’ll share the video on our Facebook page (which has over a quarter of a million likes!) and this blog on March 21 (World Down Syndrome Day). We hope you will share the video once it releases and help us make it (and the message behind it) go viral! We’ll spread out short blurbs in between the pictures on the video to show the world how people with special needs #PROVETHEMWRONG every day!

You do not not have to have a child with special needs to be in the video. If you believe in the message #PROVETHEMWRONG you can be in the video!

We’re giving away two Amazon Fire Kids Edition Tablet

We are giving away not one, but two, Amazon Fire Kids Edition! It comes with a 2 year worry free warranty. If your child breaks it, simply send it to Amazon, and they will replace it. 1 year of FreeTime Unlimited, and a case. You can use apps like Netflix on the Fire tables as well.

All you have to do is purchase one of the #PROVETHEMWRONG shirts and use the promo code “FIRE” when you check out. I will select a winner sometime between 7 pm and 10 pm Central time this Sunday!

I hope you will help us spread this message. I’d really like to have as many people as we can in this video!

On a side note, our plan is to start a non profit this year and the sales of these shirts will go toward making that happen! Every single shirt sells! So not only will you help us spread the #PROVETHEMWRONG message, but you will help us hopefully help many others with every tee shirt purchase! I can’t wait to share more details with all of you about this (hopefully) in the coming months! I’m excited, and I hope you will be to!

Thank you so much for all of your support and encouragement. Click here to grab your #ProveThemWrong Shirt! Be thinking about who all you can include in the picture! Friends, family, teachers, coaches, neighbors, doctors, therapists, etc.!

Quick disclaimer – we reserve the right to refuse any image in the video (i.e.: inappropriate, creating controversy, etc.) Thanks all!


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